FCR Board Member and Brockton Area Branch NAACP President, Phyllis Ellis, wins the Myra Kraft Community MVP Award 2021


Congratulations to Mayra Kraft Community MVP Award Winner, Phyllis Ellis from all of us at FCR!

“To have Phyllis be selected for the prestigious Myra Kraft Award means a lot to all of us at Family and Community Resources because we know how active Myra Kraft was in the community and her volunteerism and advocacy for so many causes is something for which we should all aspire. This award is affirmation for Phyllis for all that she has done, and is still doing, to make our community a safe and healthy place for all to live and thrive. She is always upbeat with a “can do” attitude, and a willingness to help no matter the task. Despite her numerous commitments and engagements in Brockton and beyond, Phyllis brings to Family and Community Resources an energy and enthusiasm that is an inspiration to all of us. “

President Ellis was nominated by FCR for this prestigious award. FCR will receive the $25,000 prize to continue our work in the Brockton Community.

Click here check out CBS Boston’s interview with Phyllis!

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