Thanksgiving Basket Drive 2022: FCR Dishes Up 25 Thanksgiving Meals for Clients

For the past 16 years, FCR has held our annual Thanksgiving Basket Holiday Giveaway and this year was no exception. The team collected turkeys, other Thanksgiving food items, and grocery gift cards to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal so our families could gather and celebrate with a festive holiday meal. 25 families were selected to receive our Thanksgiving Baskets.

This year, we had a minor turkey emergency. Our turkey donor had to deliver 25 frozen turkeys several days earlier than expected, requiring FCR to come up with space to store them. Thanks to the team putting their heads together and reaching out to board member, Beth Scherer, who generously agreed to store the turkeys at at Comfort Inn in Randolph, owned by Jiten Hotel Management, where Beth is a VP.

Along with the Rotary Club of Brockton, the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office, State Representative Michelle Dubois and Legislative Aid Anne Audette, Roche Brothers, and several board members, many of the donors were FCR staff members including Ruta Gudmand, Kassandra Ortega , Dieja Varela, Deb Scott, Pat Kelleher, Kathy O’Toole, Belinda Pelton , Sara Keough, Linda Siegel , Samantha McCormick, Joanne Hoops, Heather Devitt, Djemima Fleury, Janice Peneno, and Linda Kenney Logan.

Congratulations to the team for all their hard work: Nicole Modes, Joanne Hoops, Samantha McCormick, Janice Peneno, Janelle Rodrigues, Suzanne McCormack, and Djemima Fleury. Also thank you to Sara Keough and Jose Alicea for their help putting all the baskets together.

linda siegel