October started off with our 2021 Walk For Survivor Safety and just kept going from there with awareness events

throughout the month! Here are just some of the highlights!


2021 Walk For Survivor Safety

What a day! On October 2nd over 100 folks walked to raise awareness for Domestic Violence!

To learn more about the day, click here!

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Volunteer Project

FCR staff thanked the staff at the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center for all they do for the community with delivery of sweet treats!

Handbags for Survivors Project

FCR wanted to say Thank You to survivors for their bravery and for changing the course of their lives when they took those first steps towards health, happiness and a new life free from violence.

Clients participated in our inaugural Handbags For Survivors Project this past Friday. Clients stopped by to pick up a gorgeous new handbag filled with lots of love and self care items and a sweet treat or two!

Thank you go Alicia Wells, Minister and Senior Instructor and her generous crew @LivingWaterGirls for the donation of 'Glam Bags" and to Montilio's Bakery in Brockton for the delicious sweet treats!

Healthy Relationships Program

“We were busy during the month of October!” said, Program Coordinator Zoe Sachs.

Zoe conducted multiple presentations on Healthy Relationships and how dating and domestic violence is a pandemic in itself - which is why we believe so strongly in education as prevention!

Topics ranged from how to have healthy communication in your relationships, to red flags and warning signs of abuse, and even how to navigate the disclosure of abuse in a supportive, empathetic way! Thank you to all of our guests and community partners including Stonehill College, WIC, and the Greater Brockton DV Task Force for being such great audiences. 

The programs Peer Leader teens celebrated a personal win as one of our own went viral! Peer leader Morine Alexandre played the role of Kara in the RESPECTfully campaign video about boundaries - a video which was released last week and quickly gathered a lot of virtual attention. The Healthy Relationships team is proud to be a supporter of the RESPECTfully campaign - and grateful for all their guidance and support.

Check out the campaign video below! Just click the RespectFully image!


City Hall Brockton was lit up in purple in honor of DVAM!


linda siegel